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Generics The Generics Tutorial from Sun covers the basic knowledge that is necessary for this category. Create code that uses Generics. Describe the benefits of Generics. Develop code which deals with legacy code that is not generified. Enhanced "for" Loop W ...
Dependency Injection Understand what Spring is useful for and state what Spring Core is meant to do Write XML bean definition to inject values and collaborators via setters Write XML bean definition to inject dependencies via a constructor Cite the different autowiring modes and describe h ...
Concepts RDB - SQL Entity Mapping Persistence Unit Identify the file and its location where persistence units are defined. Identify the main elements that are defined in a persistence unit. JDBC data SQL dialect entities auto ...
Concepts & Terminology Be able to explain what concurrent programming is, what it is used for, and the meanings of the associated terminology. Synchronized, wait and notify Interfaces & Enums Define the responsibilities and uses of the foll ...
Primitive Types Types For each Java primitive type explain its purpose, its default value, its value range Literals For the char literals, explain the meaning of \u, \n, \t, \', \" literals For the integral literals, only the decimal notation is covered (neither octal nor hexadecimal) ...
Inheritance Given a class hierarchy, identify parents and children Use the correct Java syntax for extending a class. Write expressions that upcast or downcast a reference (no tricks, no arrays). Object Know that java.lang.Object is the ultimate ancestor. Identify meth ...
Associations Write Java code that implements an association unique with an object reference multiple with a collection or array of references Instantiate objects and bind them to each other through associations. Navigate through an object graph. From a given code fragment, identify the inst ...
Platform Define the following terms: bytecode, JVM. Differentiate the purpose of the JDK and the JRE. Associate the terms Java SE and Java EE to a correct given definition. Identify the files extensions that contain Java source code and Java bytecode. Understand (high level principle) how J ...
1. Beginning Java 1.1. The Java Platform 1.1.1. History 1.1.2. JVM / JRE 1.2. Getting Started 1.2.1. Setup JDK & Eclipse JDK Eclipse 1.2.2. Hello World 2. Language Basics 2.1. Primitive & Variables 2.1.1. Local Variable Declaration 2.1.2. Primitive Types 2.1.3. Character Str ...
mysqldump -h ip -u 用户 -p密码 -D datadase > c:\s.sql   mysql < c:\ c:\s.sql http://atomti.iteye.com/blog/480293
http://zhongxinhu.iteye.com/blog/492068这哥们不错,我补充个http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/5.1.html给初学者! 并不是每个设计都需要用到PD     用Powerdesigner对付比较大型的项目,是很好的,对于短平快类型的项目,如果时间要求你1个星期完成一个程序,那么完全没有必要用 PowerDesigner,直接维护数据库就可以了,当表的数量超过10个(一个小系统的表在10个左右)的时候,建议还是用用 Powerdesigner 。     有一哥们的看法:如果想做成一个比较规范的数据库 ...
package com.ssangou; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.htmlp ...
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